
How to stop Snoring

How to stop Snoring

What is snoring?

Snoring is a symptom of a breathing disorder during sleep. Occasional snoring is common, but if it’s continuous, loud, and regular, it should be evaluated and treated. Snoring is a sign of upper airway resistance and an increased tendency for the throat to collapse. It usually occurs during inhalation. Snoring is noisy breathing during sleep, where the sound is caused by inhaled air not being able to move freely through the upper airway. The air encounters resistance that causes the soft tissues in the nose and throat to vibrate. Men are more affected, particularly if they are overweight, and the condition worsens with age. Snoring leads to sleep disorders

What causes snoring?

Snoring occurs when the inhaled airflow encounters resistance. The resistance can occur at any point in the upper airway, starting with the mouth, nose, tongue and ending in the pharynx. Normally, during sleep, the muscles in the throat relax and the tongue falls back, causing the throat to narrow and sag. Because of this narrowing and relaxation, the soft tissues become more susceptible to vibration during inhalation and exhalation. However, there are various other factors that increase the risk of snoring.

    • age

The normal aging process makes muscles flabby. During sleep, the throat narrows with increasing relaxation, which leads to snoring.

    • sleeping position

It is believed that sleeping on your back promotes snoring. Because in this position, the tongue falls back and narrows the throat. When inhaled air passes over the tongue and down the throat, it makes noise (snoring).

    • smoking, alcohol and medication

Medications such as sedatives (lorazepam, diazepam), antihistamines, painkillers, alcohol and smoking promote snoring. All of these factors lead to excessive muscle relaxation, which leads to snoring. In addition, smoking causes both irritation and inflammation in the throat, causing congestion and narrowing. One of the most common causes of snoring is excessive weight gain. This can lead to a build-up of fatty tissue surrounding the airways, particularly the neck or throat, and consequent low muscle tone. This can narrow the airways and encourage snoring.

dealing with snoring

In general, people who snore are not aware of it and are made aware of their snoring behavior by their bed partners. In rarer cases, some people wake up at night because they can’t breathe. Targeted lifestyle changes, throat exercises, and various devices can help reduce snoring. However, before deciding on a treatment option, one must first look for the origin of snoring. For example, if you snore because you are overweight, you will need to lose weight to get the snoring under control. Some important aspects of treating snoring are discussed below.

Treatment of snoring for a better rest

If snoring is only occasional, it doesn’t have a major impact on sleep. But if you snore every night, it should be checked out. It is particularly important to distinguish it from sleep apnea, which is a serious condition with snoring as one of its symptoms. In sleep apnea, breathing becomes disrupted due to a blockage in the airways. It is a serious condition in that breathing stops completely and then resumes. Snoring – no matter what its origin – is not only bad for the snorer himself, but also for his bed partner. This is because it can disrupt sleep throughout the night, even if the person is unaware of the snoring. The consequences are restless and fragmented sleep, which disrupts the natural sleep cycle in its various stages. This reduces the quality of sleep and leads to consequences such as daytime sleepiness, exhaustion, memory disorders and difficulty concentrating. This can also affect your bed partner, who sometimes suffers from more sleep deprivation than the person who snores. In some cases, untreated, serious and long-lasting cases can even have a negative impact on relationships. Depending on the cause, snoring should be treated in the right way. There are different strategies to deal with this problem. If the snoring is not caused by a known medical condition, changes in lifestyle and sleeping style can help. For example, side sleeping, pillows that elevate the head and neck,

    • Weight loss can help stop snoring

Obesity is the main cause of snoring. If obesity is the cause of your snoring, losing the extra pounds can help alleviate it. Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30kg/m2. This not only increases the tendency to snore, but also harbors many other health risks, some of which can be life-threatening. Obesity is also estimated to increase the risk of sleep apnea. 70% of people who suffer from sleep apnea are obese and 40% of the obese have sleep apnea. 95% of sleep apnea patients suffer from symptomatic snoring. There are many factors that cause the scale reading to skyrocket, such as prolonged sedentary life, excessive consumption of junk food and, to some extent, genetics. Accumulation of fat around the neck leads to narrowing of the airways and thus to snoring. Belly fat pushes up the diaphragm and fat on the rib cage compresses it, reducing lung capacity. As a consequence, airflow is both restricted and the upper airways are indirectly compressed, promoting sleep apnea or snoring. If obesity-related snoring is not treated on time, it can lead to further weight gain. Snoring causes obesity, and obesity causes snoring. It is a doom-loop. Snorers are deprived of sleep, causing them to become exhausted or tired. On the one hand, this can result in them consuming more calories to fuel themselves to get through the day, and move significantly less on the other hand. As a result of this overeating and little exercise, they gain weight. Maintaining a healthy weight is therefore essential to controlling snoring. There are many ways to lose weight, but ultimately all methods focus on eating fewer calories and burning more calories. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and eventually get rid of snoring. take in fewer calories and burn more calories. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and eventually get rid of snoring. take in fewer calories and burn more calories. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you lose weight and eventually get rid of snoring.

    • Quitting smoking can help stop snoring

Smoking can increase the risk of snoring. Various studies have shown that smoking affects the airways and is a common cause of many respiratory diseases. Smoking also increases the risk of snoring for passive smokers. According to the study mentioned, 20% of passive smokers are snorers. The frequency of smoking is directly related to the intensity of snoring. The substances in cigarette smoke cause irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. This inflammation, in turn, creates congestion that causes narrowing, so the air moving through these narrow passages causes snoring. According to recommendations, one should stop smoking at least 4 hours before bedtime. This leaves enough time to balance out the effect of the smoke irritants, so you can sleep undisturbed. Another study states that smoking increases the risk of snoring due to nighttime nicotine withdrawal. Because of this, smokers suffer from sleep instability that increases the likelihood of snoring. Quitting smoking can significantly reduce snoring, since without cigarette smoke the narrowing of the airways will be close to zero.

    • alcohol and snoring

Alcohol consumption also makes you snore more often. But in what way? Alcohol is a sedative and has a calming effect. When you drink alcohol, the muscles in your body relax, including the muscles in your throat. The relaxed muscles vibrate when you breathe, causing snoring. So when you consume alcohol in large amounts, it causes excessive muscle relaxation, causing you to snore all night long. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid alcohol if you want to get rid of snoring. If you cannot do without it completely, you should at least consume smaller amounts. In addition, consumption should be combined with meals so that alcohol absorption is increased and the effects on muscles are reduced. It is also important

Treatment for snoring

Snoring can be treated in a number of ways, but it is advisable to research and address the cause first. Losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting back on alcohol consumption, changing sleeping positions are all options to try beforehand. In addition to these methods, Noson nasal dilators and protrusion devices are effective in treating snoring. After all measures have been tried, the last resort is surgery. These treatment options are listed below.

  • nasal dilators

Nasal dilators are often used by people who snore because they can significantly reduce snoring. Because of how they work, they open the nasal passages for better airflow. The nasal passages can narrow for many reasons, such as a deviated septum, infections or allergies. In these cases, the person may resort to mouth breathing, which is another cause of snoring. Nasal dilators spread the nostrils and thus prevent the nasal valves from collapsing. This allows air to flow more efficiently through the nose, which increases the oxygen content in the blood.

Benefits of Nasal Dilators

Noson nasal dilators have the following advantages over other methods of resolving nasal blockages:

● Safe to use for everyone as it is drug free.

● Immediate relief.

● Nasal dilators are non-invasive.

● Effectiveness is not reduced even with continuous use.

● No unwanted side effects.

    • protrusion splints

Mandibular advancement devices are custom-made devices worn in the mouth to treat sleep breathing disorders, including snoring. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine dictates that doctors should prescribe these devices to adults who want to control their snoring and cannot tolerate CPAP therapy. The advancement devices treat snoring by pushing the lower jaw forward, which tightens the muscles and soft tissues of the upper airway. This narrowing can prevent airway obstruction or narrowing during sleep. It also reduces the likelihood of vibrations in the soft tissue in the throat, preventing snoring. This treatment achieves positive results in patients with mild to moderate sleep apnea as well as in patients who snore. Advancement splints are used in those patients who require an alternative treatment option to CPAP ventilation.

Advantages of protrusion splints

The following are the advantages of Noson’s protrusion splints:
● They are non-invasive.
● The splints fit the majority of non-compliant patients.
● Easy to use.
● Handy compact, can be taken anywhere

    • surgical interventions

Surgery is used to treat snoring when there is an anatomical abnormality that cannot be treated otherwise. Various surgical options are available depending on the location of the abnormality:


This is a minimally invasive procedure used to shrink the soft tissue in the upper airways.


If polyps are the cause of snoring, surgical removal of the polyps is recommended.


Enlarged tonsils can also cause snoring. Their surgical removal can reduce the risk of snoring.

Palate Surgery:

This can be done in two ways to reduce the excess soft tissue of the palate. Either implants are inserted into the soft palate or the excess soft tissue is removed by radio frequency waves (fibrosis). In both surgeries, the soft palate is stiffened, minimizing vibration during airflow.

Nose Surgery:

Depending on the cause, surgery of the nasal passages is performed. It includes septoplasty, turbinate reduction, or functional endoscopic sinus surgery. Numerous people around the globe suffer from snoring as it is a widespread phenomenon. This article discusses all the possible causes of snoring and how to deal with them. When you finally get rid of snoring, your quality of life improves and you can sleep better. A restful sleep at night is essential to get through the day and to be able to concentrate on yourself and your work. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, as well as avoiding smoking and alcohol, are the first steps in treating snoring. Then medical devices are used, including nasal dilators and protrusion splints. By combining lifestyle and diet changes with a medical device, snoring can be treated more effectively. Some anatomical conditions cannot be corrected in any other way than by surgery. It is therefore recommended that if an operation is particularly urgent, it is carried out as soon as possible, since long-term snoring can have negative health effects not only for the snorer, but also for his partner. Some anatomical conditions cannot be corrected in any other way than by surgery. It is therefore recommended that if an operation is particularly urgent, it is carried out as soon as possible, since long-term snoring can have negative health effects not only for the snorer, but also for his partner. Some anatomical conditions cannot be corrected in any other way than by surgery. It is therefore recommended that if an operation is particularly urgent, it is carried out as soon as possible, since long-term snoring can have negative health effects not only for the snorer, but also for his partner.

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Robert Dans

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